What are the symptoms of Active Periodontal Disease?

Take Control of your Gums Today

Gum Disease | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

Healthy gums are pale pink and firm, and they fit snugly around teeth. Periodontal Disease Symptoms should be taken seriously, since left untreated, bone and tooth loss can result. Periodontal diseases begin as gingivitis, which many people do not ever realize they have. This is because any changes in your gums can be very subtle at first. It is important to be aware of the signs of early periodontal disease, because if early gum disease is not treated, it can progress into a more advanced and irreversible situation.

Periodontal Disease Symptoms include bad breath, bleeding gums, receding gums, swollen gums, drifting teeth, loose teeth, and painful chewing.

Gum Disease | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta
Bad Breath | Alberta Academy of Periodontics Symptoms | Periodontists | Alberta

Make Bad Breath a Thing of the Past

Bad Breath | Alberta Academy of Periodontics Symptoms | Periodontists | Alberta

While bad breath is a common oral hygiene problem caused by many different conditions. Persistent bad breath (known clinically as halitosis) can be an early warning sign of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is a disease that damages the structure of your gums and the bone that supports your teeth. This disease is caused by an accumulation of plaque bacteria that coats the teeth, gums, and tongue. These bacteria break down proteins and release sulphur compounds, which have a distinctly bad smell known in the dental industry as ‘Perio breath.’ The severity of periodontitis can also affect the level of bad breath. If your periodontist determines that the cause of your bad breath is not tooth-related, they will refer you to the appropriate medical professional.

Symptoms such as bad breath can be easily prevented with a combination of good oral hygiene and professional care. To keep bad breath at bay, it is recommended that you visit a dentist or periodontist regularly, brush your teeth, and tongue after meals, floss daily to clean food particles between your teeth and drink enough water to ensure your body makes enough saliva.

Are your Gums Bleeding? The Alberta Academy of Periodontics is here to change that!

Bleeding Gums | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

While there are several reasons why your gums may be bleeding, including aggressive brushing, a new flossing routine, or even taking certain medications, one of the most common reasons for bleeding gums is gum disease. Symptoms such as bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease that can develop into more progressive stages of periodontitis.

Practicing good oral hygiene is always recommended, as is seeing your dentist or periodontist regularly for professional cleanings, which will help remove any buildup of plaque at the gum line that can cause bleeding gums. Plaque that is not removed will harden into tartar, which will lead to more bleeding and a more advanced form of gum disease known as periodontitis. The only way to find out what is causing your gums to bleed is to see a Periodontist, who can properly diagnose and provide treatment.

Bleeding Gums | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta
Take Control of Your Gum Issues | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

Take control of your gums today, before they start to slip away

Take Control of Your Gum Issues | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

When your gums pull back from the surface of your tooth, exposing more of the tooth or the root surfaces of your teeth, this is called receding gums. Your gums can begin to recede for a myriad of reasons, ranging from brushing too aggressively, grinding your teeth, and even a genetic predisposition. However, receding gums is also a symptom of a much larger oral health problem – gum disease. Gum disease should never be overlooked, or it can worsen into periodontitis and eventually tooth loss.

Most people do not know they have any gum recession, because it happens gradually. When gum recession occurs, small gaps form between teeth and the gum line, making it easy for bacteria to build up. Immediate treatment is necessary in order to avoid further damage and more advanced periodontal disease. To help prevent your gums from further recession, you should see a periodontist immediately, regularly practice good oral hygiene, use a soft toothbrush, and try not to brush aggressively.

Keep your teeth intact

Periodontists Keep Teeth In Tact | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

In the earliest stages of periodontal disease (gingivitis), gums can become red and swollen. They may even bleed. This occurs when proper oral hygiene is not practiced and bacteria in the mouth forms plaque on the teeth. The bacterial inflammation of the gum lining is what causes the inflammation. Once inflamed, the gums can then become red, sensitive, and prone to bleeding. For many people, this inflammation is not painful, so it may be ignored. But if you catch gingivitis early on, it can be reversed and healed with proper oral hygiene before it can progress into more dangerous forms of gum disease. It is important to note that swollen gums can also be the result of a gum abscess, which can lead to rapid tooth loss. If your gums are swollen and painful, consult a periodontist today.

Symptoms such as swollen gums is a symptom of a much larger issue but it is a condition that may be reversible. If you follow some simple steps, you can help reduce the discomfort experienced by swollen gums considerably and prevent it from developing into a more severe case of gum disease. You should visit a periodontist to create a game plan to reverse inflammation, practice good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing regularly, and rinse your gums with a saltwater solution which can help reduce the pain and discomfort of swollen gums in the early stages.

Periodontists Keep Teeth In Tact | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta
Periodontists Keeps Teeth From Drifting Away | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

Prevent your Teeth from Drifting Away

Periodontists Keeps Teeth From Drifting Away | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

When teeth begin to drift in adults, this can be a warning sign of advanced periodontal disease, which requires a multidisciplinary approach. Gum disease not only attacks your gums, but also your bones and the periodontal ligament that anchors the tooth to the bone. As your gums and bone become damaged by gum disease, there is less bone to hold your teeth in place, and teeth may begin to drift. At the first sign of drifting teeth, it is important to see a periodontist, so they can help with a treatment plan for periodontal disease and help save your tooth from shifting. While symptoms of gum diseases can be subtle, including shifting teeth, it is possible to identify them if you pay attention to the subtle signs. Besides looking for red, swollen gums, or gums that bleed when you brush, you can also push your teeth gently; if any of them move, then you likely have gum disease.

Prevent Loose Teeth from being Lost

Periodontists Keep Loose Teeth from Being Lost | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

Symptoms such as loose teeth may be a warning sign of gum disease. Gum disease attacks your gums, and your jaw bones that support the teeth. Over time, as the chronic bacteria destroys and damages the structures around your teeth, including the supporting bone and periodontal ligament, there is less bone to secure the teeth to the mouth, and teeth may become loose. If not dealt with, and damaged badly enough, tooth loss may result if enough bone is destroyed. The good news is that loose teeth can almost always be saved and provide many more years of function if they are treated in time.

If your tooth is loose due to gingivitis or more advanced periodontal disease, your gums and your teeth may need professional treatments like scaling and root planing to remove the plaque and tartar from your teeth and restore healthy gums. Until you can get to your periodontist, avoid eating hard or sticky foods that may stress the remaining weak bone further. You should also attempt to clean your loose tooth, by removing food particles and debris. Only a professional can truly restore your tooth, so if you would like to save loose teeth, see a periodontist as soon as possible.

Periodontists Keep Loose Teeth from Being Lost | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta
Painful Chewing | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

Painful Chewing May be a Sign of Gum Disease

Painful Chewing | Alberta Academy of Periodontics | Periodontists | Alberta

While painful chewing can be caused by many different things, it is often a sign of, and caused by, gingivitis. When bacteria build up on the teeth and hardens into plaque, it might start to affect your jaw bone, exposing roots and causing tooth pain while chewing. When gum recedes and the jawbone begins losing its density, any tenderness in the gums intensifies. The teeth no longer have their usual support from the periodontal tissues, which are now deteriorating. As such, teeth become loose. It is at this point, that chewing or applying any pressure to the teeth becomes painful or sore. If you notice sore teeth, you should visit a periodontist for a complete exam.

Your Family's Oral Health is Important

The Alberta Academy of Periodontics is here for you! You do not need a referral to contact a periodontist today.

We believe that your oral health deserves the best care and attention possible. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you contact your nearest periodontist. They will do their absolute best to respond as soon as possible and solve your periodontal issue.